This announcement adds to the precautions already in place due to the “chronic and severe” shortages of food and fuel.
Less than a year ago, a similar incident occurred on flight SU/FV6927 of Rossiya Airlines between the Russian capital and the ...
However, tourism has yet to reach pre-pandemic levels. Last week, the Cuban government revised and lowered its 2024 tourist ...
The event took place in a context marked by severe shortages and food insecurity affecting a large portion of Cubans.
The legal director of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) stated that they will present the "values that support tourism policy, ...
The decrease amounts to half a million international travelers: the figure drops from 3.2 million tourists to 2.7 million.
According to the Russian Association of Tour Operators, the Spanish company offers services that allow tourists to "combine ...
Acostumbrado a las rutinas del cine y el teatro, el actor en un principio dudó si formar parte de la telenovela.
AREQUIPA, Perú – El senador cubanoamericano Marco Rubio abordó el limbo migratorio de los más de 300.000 cubanos con I-220ª ...
“Las ofertas de trabajo y condiciones, por lo menos para mí, en esa época eran bastante turbias", dijo la artista sobre su ...
Durante las próximas 12 a 24 horas la tormenta tropical continuará moviéndose sobre aguas abiertas del Atlántico tropical.
Recientes declaraciones del subdirector del Instituto de Medicina Deportiva de Cuba, consideradas "transfóbicas", generaron ...