Ferdinand Balfoort receives full PhD funding from Charles Darwin University, Australia. He is a Senior Researcher at the Mobility Research Partnership Pty Ltd Ferdinand previously advised Beam ...
Australia and the Pacific are now tipped to be hosts of the 2026 global climate talks. That brings opportunity – and scrutiny ...
The Labour Party’s proposed capital income tax targets earners whose gains are missed by the current system. We explain how ...
About 1 in 9 Americans are facing poverty today. But more than half of the people residing in the US will experience poverty ...
Recent changes to the ISO management system standards have potential to advance action on climate change and promote global ...
Commercial TV is nearing the bottom of a financial decline much like the one faced by newspapers 20 years ago. That will have ...
Contingency planning for a potential conflict shouldn’t cause a national panic. Australia needs a ‘first 90 days’ plan to ...
The current Lord Mayor of Melbourne has said if re-elected he would sell the City of Melbourne’s majority stake in Regent ...
When the magma reaches the surface, it can flow – generating lavas – or explode, generating fragmented particles called ...
Three children in far north Queensland have recently become unwell with meningococcal disease, a life-threatening infection ...
Varios estudios demuestran que la baja calidad del aire acelera el deterioro cognitivo en las personas mayores y es un ...
es ecóloga especializa en incendios forestales en la Universidad de California, Davis, donde dirige el Programa de ...