The UK has passed into law a target to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. So is it possible to have a net zero carbon school building? A framework for achieving net zero carbon ...
Why is art, craft and design education so vital to our culture, our society, our economy and ourselves? The reasons are myriad, meaningful, complex and fiscal says Lesley Butterworth of the National ...
The UK’s education sector is subject to constant scrutiny and evokes wildly different opinions – and rightly so. In order to create and maintain the best possible system of learning for our children, ...
In recent years we have seen a welcome increase in schools’ budgets, but of course without ring-fenced funding and an increasing level of autonomy in schools, it is less clear how this money is ...
Stepping outside of the classroom door carries an abundance of opportunities to enhance pupil learning and development, says Mark Hardy of the Association of Play Industries. If you thought the best ...
Playgrounds are included in the government’s Healthy Pupil Capital Fund, which goes towards building projects that could help tackle obesity and inactivity in children and young people The ...
‘I’d die without my BlackBerry’ said a girl in the Cybersurvey project. Last week her addiction to her phone was echoed by others who displayed ‘nomophobia’: the word coined to describe the fear of ...
Many schools need to re-align their understanding back to the basic principle of a school trip – to bring a sense of experience and enjoyment to learning. Gill Harvey of the School Travel Forum ...
Technology is now firmly embedded in education, but how it is used can vary from school to school. Naace member schools have a common theme however; recognition that ICT can be an enabler, a ...
With reports that schools are having to find innovative ways to raise money and deal with funding cuts, energy charity Carbon Trust has found ways schools can cut back and save money on energy, as ...
The latest statistics from the Scottish School Healthy Living Survey have been released, and revealed an increase in the ...