To the Clergy, Religious, and Laity of the Archdiocese of New Orleans: Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Survivors of ...
If there were a Mount Rushmore chiseled of the four pieces of mail you’d least like to receive, it might look like this, but not necessarily in Washington, Jefferson, (Teddy) Roosevelt and Lincoln ...
As Catholics and Americans, we are blessed to be able to participate in our nation’s political and public life.
Season of Creation” which runs from Sept. 1 to Oct. 4 – the feast of St. Francis of Assisi patron saint of ecology ... to ...
Sin, however, should not distract us from the commitment of realizing, as far as we are able and each in their own ...
Each of us is called to holiness. Each of us has a unique vocation … or combination of vocations. A special purpose according to God’s design. Several years ago, I consecrated myself to Jesus through ...
Many individuals use the term “separation of church and state” to keep religion out of politics. In reality, when our country was founded, the term was intended to protect the church from the ...