Novethic décrypte la nomination des nouveaux commissaires européens annoncée ce 17 septembre par la présidente Ursula von der ...
1 Voting power varies on certain matters pertaining to the General Department with use of the Fund's resources in that Department. 2 Percentages of total votes (5,039,930) in the General Department ...
More than a third of 50 recently surveyed Nobel laureates cited “population rise / environmental degradation” as the biggest threat to humankind. Second on the list was “nuclear war ...
It will take 286 years to close gender gaps in legal protection and remove discriminatory laws against women, 140 years for equal representation in positions of power and at least 40 years to ...
Still, in the Commission’s organigramme the mention of this responsibility can only be found in the name of a single unit of DG SANTE, under the Directorate dealing with ‘Crisis Preparedness in Food, ...
This Annual Report is organized in accordance with the appropriation structure for Manitoba Health. The report includes information at the main and sub-appropriation levels relating to the ...