A safe environment of protected rights and freedoms. Responsible citizens — responsible for their own development, well-being ...
Moreover, China is a long-term supplier of copper to the Russian Federation. Given the existence of the growing needs of the ...
The world needs to see!!!” screamed the pages with three followers and dubious publics with a bunch of AI-generated pictures.
What will happen to the money that the U.S. budgeted to help Ukraine but has not yet had time to use: could the money burn up ...
ZN.UA editor of the Domestic Policy Department Inna Vedernikova emphasizes the rotations implemented and not implemented by ...
How it turned out that NABU became the epicenter of scandals, and why the dismissal of Uglava will not put an end to this ...
In May 2022, in response to the aggression of the Russian Federation, the parliament introduced a new type of sanctions, namely the confiscation of assets into state income. For more than two years, ...
How Ukraine can solve the problem of the lack of comprehensive revival projects: the analyst proposed solutions for three ...
В декабре 2023 года, когда американские законодатели приняли запрет на импорт урана из РФ, Китай отправил в США 242 990 ...
Кабінет міністрів призначив колишнього міністра із питань стратегічних галузей промисловості Олександра Камишіна членом ...
Кабинет министров назначил бывшего министра по вопросам стратегических отраслей промышленности Александра Камышина членом ...
У грудні 2023 року, коли американські законодавці ухвалили заборону на імпорт урану з РФ, Китай відправив до США 242 990 ...