Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a package of housing bills Thursday. The measures tweak a number of existing laws to boost the ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday signed into law a comprehensive bipartisan housing package, with bills focused on ...
Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday held a news conference to sign legislation aimed at addressing homelessness and expanding ...
Governor Gavin Newsom announced new action to address homelessness and expand affordable housing Thursday morning as he ...
Governor Gavin Newsom is taking action Thursday to address homelessness and affordable housing across California. Those ...
California cities will soon face more scrutiny for pushing back on housing and shelter construction, due to a package of laws ...
Governor Newsom signs a housing package to address homelessness in California, with new laws and a $6.4 billion investment in ...
California cities will soon face more state scrutiny and new penalties for pushing back on housing and homeless shelter ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a package of laws aimed at holding California cities more accountable for resisting ...
Governor Newsom says he wants to boost home building and increase the number of affordable homes available for the unhoused ...
Gov. Newsom blames cities for not doing more to solve the California homeless crisis as he signs housing bills.
Newsom on Thursday announced the signing of 32 bills into law related to housing and homelessness. He also named Norwalk, ...