In a grassy field on Sheppard Air Force Base, volunteers are walking laps to remember the soldiers captured overseas and ...
The Hague (AFP) – Veterans and royals gather this weekend to mark the 80th anniversary of one of World War II's greatest ...
Pound Puzzle How was this possible? Well, the Jeep was designed with simplicity and functionality in mind. It was ...
Pfc. Matthew Perez's wife is expecting their first child, his parents say. A premature baby himself, Perez beat long odds to ...
Springfield City Hall is now the home of a Purple Heart, awarded to a man from the city killed in action exactly 80 years ago ...
Historian John McManus rates the accuracy of World War II battles in "Masters of the Air," "Pearl Harbor," and "Flags of Our ...
These are the best World War II movies of the past eight decades, according to a survey of U.S. service members ...
The film showing was hosted by Florida State University-Panama City Sept. 14, and sponsored by Teatro de las Artes' Director Series.
The opening of the North Carolina airfield follows the service’s June recertification of an airfield on the Pacific island of ...
Here are five films and TV shows that explore the origins, impact and aftermath of the allies’ September 1944 strategic ...
American airborne troops stormed out of their helicopters and took cover in some of the same fields where Allied troops took ...