American Lael Wilcox has broken the world record for the fastest woman to cycle around the world, traversing 21 countries and 18,125 miles in three and a half months. Arriving back in Chicago at 9 ...
The 360 TD Cycle is about 75 weeks, which has been in the markets ever since the April 14 2000 mini Crash Low and has since pinpointed 9 major crash Lows in the past 19 years, including the 4/14 ...
Lael Wilcox took 108 days, 12 hours and 12 minutes to cycle 29,169km (18,125 miles), starting and ending in Chicago. She beat the 2018 record held by Jenny Graham, from Scotland, whose journey ...
“Recycling alone will not get us out of the plastic pollution crisis. We need a combination of approaches working in tandem across the life cycle of plastic to have a world free of plastic pollution.” ...
E-cycles are growing in popularity and the trend shows no sign of slowing down. As more and more people go electric, questions remain about how they are classified and their relative health benefits ...