Dave Ramsey is a millionaire known for providing financial advice on his radio show and podcast, The Ramsey Show. On his show, he dives into his listeners’ finances, offering advice on getting them ...
Your front porch is the first thing anyone sees when visiting your home. It also extends your living space, and a stylish front porch can increase your home’s curb appeal and become a space everyone ...
Stress isn’t worth a good paycheck. Negative feelings, like stress, don’t just affect your mind but also your body. Some jobs are more stressful than others. Unsurprisingly, most of these ...
No one wants to get stuck with a car that is going to constantly break down — or worse — cost an arm and a leg to repair each time it does. But how can you tell when a car is going to give you ...
Cars are complicated. There are so many things we need to consider before buying one like the model, year, mileage, and resale value. The resale value of a car doesn’t always matter. However, if ...
The Great Depression was a heartbreaking time of extreme poverty. Families lived in small spaces with one or even sometimes no working parents. With limited incomes, families were forced to get ...
Job hunting is hard. With a saturated market and many people vying for the same position, it can be hard to set yourself apart. However, you might be standing in your own way and not even know it.
Americans spend millions of dollars at gas stations every year, and it’s not all on gas. You can find a gas station almost anywhere; many are open 24/7. They are super convenient for grabbing things ...
Unless you live in a major U.S. city with public transportation, performing simple daily activities like picking up groceries or getting to work without a car can be challenging. But even if you do ...
Every generation has distinctive trends and behaviors—some timeless, others not so much. The Gen X cohort, those born between 1965 and 1980, definitely left their mark on the culture of the time.
If your budget feels tight, finding things to eliminate from your shopping list is a good start when trying to find some breathing room. Since you control your discretionary spending, you can stop ...
Our society often judges people’s intelligence based on their professions. While it’s an unfair practice, some jobs have unfortunately been associated with a stereotype of lower intellectual ...