Jordan's new Norinco SR5 multiple rocket launchers (MRLs) were seen being fired for the first time during Exercise ‘Heavy Rain 3', which was announced on 9 September.
Sweden has included spare parts for the Saab JAS 39 Gripen in a wider package of military aid for Ukraine as a precursor to a potential transfer of combat aircraft ...
Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in combat air platforms took the opportunity to tout their aircraft for Poland's potential acquisition of a new ...
Rolls-Royce and Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft (FFG) plan to deliver and test a new powerpack for Leopard 1-based platforms in 2025, the companies have told ...
Tunisia has received four Textron 208 Grand Caravan EX aircraft to be used for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions over North Africa.
A Chinese military exercise to determine the effectiveness of conventional anti-aircraft (AA) forces against an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) swarm has found that ...
The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded a contract to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to produce 240 Saturn AL-31FP engines for the Indian Air ...
Northrop Grumman signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Polish Air Force Institute of Technology (Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych: ITWL) this week ...
North Korea's state news agency has shown an image of what appears to be a new 12-axle transporter erector launcher (TEL) vehicle. The vehicle is presumably for a ...
An Italian Navy multi-purpose offshore patrol ship (Pattugliatore Polivalente d'Altura: PPA) has taken part in the country's first patrols against potential North ...
The US Department of State has made a determination approving a possible sale of AIM-120C-8 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs) to Singapore under ...
The Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) is set to receive additional anti-submarine warfare (ASW) frigates under new investments announced by the Dutch Ministry of ...