According to the UMJA records, Eugenia Lewin was born on December 21st, 1920, in Lodz, Poland. While it is of course possible that two individuals named Eugenia Lewin were interned in the Lodz ghetto, ...
Having seen how many students are unaware of how to register to vote, the mechanics of voting, and why voting matters, ...
Are you looking for a new classroom activity to engage students? Angela Adkins (2023) suggests using open-ended, non-directive vignettes to promote the discussion of sociological theory and address ...
It was also found that cell phone use and social media influenced exposure to racism and how soon the fathers had The Talk with their children. One of the fathers discussed his children seeing and ...
A year before a 14-year-old boy was arrested for allegedly opening fire in his high school math class in Winder, Georgia, on ...
Today marks the second anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Sociologist Kimberly Kelly (2023) offers a feminist ...
That gender discrimination is wrong is beyond argument. But identifying which incidents are cases of it is not always so ...
See Odum’s discussion about the impact teaching sociology in “unprecedented times” can have on students. While various difficulties may arise while teaching during crises, this article gives teachers ...