A race in the Golden Heart City may have big consequences and decide who controls the Alaska House of Representatives.
They plan to advocate for fair wages, increased financial transparency and a sustainable workplace environment.
The statement from Trump could be a signal that GOP elected officials will align themselves with marijuana legalization, ...
The start of the school year is a great time to teach about wildfire in Alaska, write four authors in a commentary for the ...
Eighty-five of the UA faculty members affected by the paperwork problem were paid on time; the rest will be paid by early ...
Molly Gillespie is the Alaska Project Learning Tree state coordinator. She is a naturalist and certified environmental ...
Katie Spellman is a research associate professor with the International Arctic Research Center. She is an expert in Alaska’s ...
Alison York is the coordinator for the Alaska Fire Science Consortium. She has lived in Alaska since 1986. She has been ...
Mike DeLue is a science coordinator for Scenarios Network for Alaska + Arctic Planning. He works alongside scientists to ...
The Alaska Democratic Party is worried that Eric Hafner's presence on the ballot could harm Mary Peltola's chances in ...
Bristol Bay Native Corp. CEO Jason Metrokin writes in a commentary about the importance of salmon to the community.
A two-day meeting at UAA on outmigration gave attendees a chance to brainstorm ideas about how to reverse the net outflow of ...