In a recent incident that has sparked discussions about the safety of autonomous vehicles, a Waymo driverless car was ...
Over the last few months, Waymo’s robot taxis have become an unmistakable part of the San Francisco experience. Once a ...
“This is an effort to both look at standardizing or creating a best practice for valid methodology and using that together ...
Waymo has reported only 18 minor contact events since its first launch, however, a recent TikTok video showcases potentially ...
A new website published by Alphabet's Waymo autonomous vehicle division highlights some of the statistics around driverless ...
If you’re Waymo, the answer is data — and lots of it. “This matters a lot to us” “This matters a lot to us,” said Trent ...
The lastest Waymo safety data throws down a gauntlet in front of other companies to publish similar data, and helps ...
Self-driving cars have started all-day pickups and drop-offs in Phoenix, Arizona. It's great news for Alphabet's bottom line, ...
The new Waymo safety data hub uses the publicly available data that NHTSA publishes to compare collisions involving Waymo ...
Waymo set up a new safety data hub showing that its robotaxis are four times safer compared to human drivers in the cities it ...